Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Learn the basis formula of making your own perfume

For a popular brand of perfume can cause a few hundreds dollars this days. As cause of rented of shops, staff pays, shipment, lighting and profit are added into the bottle of perfume. So learning to make your own perfume can save you a lot. First learn the basis formula of making your own perfume. The essential oils which is around from 15% to 30% depends on how strong you want the smell to stays. Around 70% to 80% of pure alcohol, such as vodka or brandy and 5% of spring water or distilled water. Most of this essentials oils can be brought from various shops.

Before making your own perfume knows the three types of notes of making perfume. This notes are called the base notes, the middle notes and the the top notes. This notes helps you to determine the scent and smell you want to stay in your skin and how strong you want it to be. Base notes mostly used are sandlewood, cinnamon, cedarwoods or parchouli. The middle notes are nutmeg, ylang ylang, and neroli. For the tops notes are essential oil of lavender, rosemary, or bergamot.

To started pour in about quarter cups of vodka in a warm pots with a few drops of essentials oils and the base notes you desire and then add in the spring water. Leave it from a few days. The longer days the stronger the smell. Then fitter with a clean cloth fitter and pour in a nice bottle and leave it for few days aways from heat and sunlight. Shake the bottles every days.
