Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Learn the three notes how to make perfume

Learning how to make perfume it takes patience and time to get the right combination. The first parts is to learn the three notes which are known as the base notes, middle notes and the top notes. The base notes where the fragrance smell is stronger and its stays longer and lasting scent on the skin are most make from woody fragrance such as sandlwoods,cederwoods or cinnamon patchouli. Next came the middle notes which provide the balance aroma and the fragrance not so strong then the base notes are lemon grass, cubebaor litsea and last is the top notes which comes from the dried smell of flowers such as rose, jasmine, lavender or other kinds of fragrance flowers which are not harmful to the skin.

Others things that needs to make perfume are vodka or brandy, essentials oils and spring water. Grind the base note item which you wanted to used and then the middle and the top notes. Pour them in a clean bottle with vodka , essentials oils and water. Stir them well and leave in a dark place for a few days to get the fragrance. If the smell is right, pour it through clean cloth filter in to the right perfume bottle.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Learn the basis formula of making your own perfume

For a popular brand of perfume can cause a few hundreds dollars this days. As cause of rented of shops, staff pays, shipment, lighting and profit are added into the bottle of perfume. So learning to make your own perfume can save you a lot. First learn the basis formula of making your own perfume. The essential oils which is around from 15% to 30% depends on how strong you want the smell to stays. Around 70% to 80% of pure alcohol, such as vodka or brandy and 5% of spring water or distilled water. Most of this essentials oils can be brought from various shops.

Before making your own perfume knows the three types of notes of making perfume. This notes are called the base notes, the middle notes and the the top notes. This notes helps you to determine the scent and smell you want to stay in your skin and how strong you want it to be. Base notes mostly used are sandlewood, cinnamon, cedarwoods or parchouli. The middle notes are nutmeg, ylang ylang, and neroli. For the tops notes are essential oil of lavender, rosemary, or bergamot.

To started pour in about quarter cups of vodka in a warm pots with a few drops of essentials oils and the base notes you desire and then add in the spring water. Leave it from a few days. The longer days the stronger the smell. Then fitter with a clean cloth fitter and pour in a nice bottle and leave it for few days aways from heat and sunlight. Shake the bottles every days.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

My first time making my own perfume

My first time making my own perfume, It seem to be very hard but if you do know the trick how to make your own perfume it is quick simple. All you needs is the essential oils, hundred percentage pure alcohol such as vodka or brandy and distilled water. Perfume is make of three notes, the base notes is the smell how you want the perfume to last in your your skin. Second is the middle notes, on how strong you want the smell to be and the smell to long than the base notes. Lastly is the top notes is the smell of oils and the difference rates of the perfume may smell.

Base notes are most make of cedar wood, sandalwood, cinnamon and vanilla as the smell of it are stonger. The middle notes of lemon grass, nutmeg, glove, ylang-ylang, neroli and geranium and top notes are most from flowers such as rose, lavendar, lemon, jasmine, lime and bergamot.

To make perfume mixed the vodka with the essential oils. Abouts thirty drops of essential oils with three ounce of vodka. Put in the base notes than follow by the middle note and the top notes, shake it well for a few minutes and leave it for a week. If the smell is not to your liking, shake it again for a few minutes again and than left it to stay for another a week or three weeks to get a stronger smells. Add in some spring water and stir it for sometimes. pour it through a coffee filter into a nice bottle. Avoid direct sunlight from the perfume.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Making your own perfume can be very intersting

Learning to make your own perfume can be very intersting and can save you a lots of money if you follow the basic steps how to make your own perfume. Before learning how to make my own perfume I purchase many kinds and fragrance of perfume because I like some some of the perfume smell and its beautiful bottles. Now you can learn how to make your own perfume throught internet online, magazine or throught friends whos has the same hobby.

First you must understand the three notes of making perfume. The base notes which the fragrance is stronger and is most make from cederwoods and sandlwoods, the middle notes which is not much stonger than the base notes is lemongrass which I used to make my perfume and lastly the top notes which are the smell of dried fragrance flowers. such as Rose , lavander or even the jasmine.

Brandy or vodka are added with the essentials oils with the three notes and leave it in a tight containder for few days to get the right smells. Remmember to shake the containder everydays to get the whole right smells.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The basis knowledge on how to make perfume

To make your own perfume we must know some of the basis skill of how perfume is make. Making perfume has three difference types of oils which are refered as the base notes, middle notes and the top notes. The tops notes inwhich the essentials smell is much stronger to the middle and the top notes and are most make from cederwoods, sandalwoods ferns and vanilla frangrance. The middle notes which the frangrance is not so strong then the base notes are make from lemongrass and ylang ylang. Lastly the top notes where the frangrance comes from lavendar, rose, lime, orange, orchid add to the essential of the frangrance of the perfume.

100 percentage alcohol such as vodka or sometimes brandy are added to the essentials oils. If the frangrance smell is up to your smells and then this should be stored in a dry cool place for two to three days before pure water is mixed into it and slowly stir it. After which, it is filter through the coffee filters. A dark coloured glass cointainer with a tight tops is used to storage the perfume. Never place the perfume bottle direct to the sunlight.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Its not hard to make your own perfume at home

To buy a good perfume it is much easily but the price of a small perfume will cost you lots as most branded outlet will add in all the expensers cost and a huge profits margins. It is much cheaper to make your own perfume as most of the things to make perfume can be obtained from most drug store, craft shope and shopping complex.

To make your own perfume all what you want is the smell of the perfume. Flowers like lavender, rosemary and others types of flower which you think it smell nice. Put them all in a pot and grind them with mortar and pestle. Add some water to the mixture flowers and shake it well. Follow by a few drops of 100% alcohol such as vodka or brandy and shake it. Used a coffee fritters to strain the mixture to get rid of the leaves. Add it some essental oils which you can get from craft outlets and pour it into a glass or porcelain bottles and see that the bottle has a tight fitting lid so that the smell can stay inside the bottle and beside to avoid from evaporation. Place the bottle aways from sunlight. Don't forget to smell and test it first. Leave the bottle for a weeks to ten days and smell it again to your wanted smell.


Monday, July 02, 2007

To make perfume, flowers that smell nice.

Buying perfumed from known cosmatic outlet might be very expensive if you try to learn how to make your own perfume. There are many ways you can make your own perfume. If you are the beginners try to get flowers that smell nice such as lavender, rosemary, orange flowers or roses to make perfume.

Put the flowers that you had already choose together with spice or back into a small pot and grind them with mortar and pestle, then add some water to the mixture and follow by pouring the essences of oil into the pots. You can used vodka as a alcohol based perfume into the pots. Don't forget to smell-test it first then close the pots with a tight lids and then shake is vigourously and put it in a warm dark place.

Remember to shake the pots everyday for at less a week to get the perfume scent and if the scent is not strong enough or to the note of your nose smell, sake it again until the strength of the scent is what you want. If the scent to your liking you can strain out the hard matter, flowers, leaves, spices,and strain the oil through a piece of cheesecloth into a clean jar. Now your perfume is ready to use and remember to write down what you have done so you can duplicate it.
